শুক্রবার, ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

Better than Begging

While on the way we come across a lot of things all around us happening every moment.
Like many of you I am fortunate enough to tour to many a places-villages, towns, semi-towns, hills, rivers, country sides etc.
And in all of those places I saw many things expected and unexpected.
It will take a long time and may be a cause of much annoyance if I tell about all in serial what I have seen.
So let me tell only this that many things that I have seen so far made me glad and optimistic and contrary to this the number of things I was ashamed of and felt sorry is not less.
The other day I was going to a new market. I was going there on foot as it is near to my house. Within this short walk I encountered a number of people asking money. We all know these are the men or women called beggars.
I the number of beggars in our country, Bangladesh, is higher than the number of beggars in any other countries of the world. The most painful thing is many of the beggars are physically fit enough to do some kind of works for survival and they are one of the big factors for our image to be tarnished all over the world.
This is really a blur picture of our country. But there are pictures quite opposite to it.
To bring such a picture in a few words let me tell this that a few days ago I was walking by the side of river Turag.
I supposed to walk up to rail line without stoppage then I wanted to Boubazar in Tongi area taking turn to the left.

But I had to stop somewhere seeing a group of women working in the dirty water of river.
As work they were washing away dirt from gunny bags.
In consideration of their clothes, in sense of work or any other respects they are the people belonged to such a class does not deserve honor and always ignored.
But think for a while what I did to have a clear picture. Hope it will also be clear to you that they deserve honor at least for what they are doing, you will find that they are the real people who survive along with their families with their own hard earn money. They prefer to work in river water to make clean what is dirty. They can imbued the beggars with this spirit that working is better than begging and thus become example and inspiration for many of them to avoid begging and work according to their caliber.

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