শুক্রবার, ৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১৬


Think like many of you I too have an idea about Alternative. 

Alternative is the other way to achieve the same goal. 

To answer to a common question 'Has alternative any importance?' I can mention one from many incidents. 

A few day ago I was on an office tour to attend a program some 25 kilometers away. 

I was traveling by office vehicle along with two foreign guests and our country manager. 

I know well the location and the way of that place as I had been there a number of times. 

Our driver also was well aware of the way. But he took turn and started driving by other way. 

Sometime later he informed that the way people normally take to tread or drive is under construction and this is the alternative way which will take us to our destination. 

The way was zigzag and full of holes and cracks to create a lot of jerks. The journey took more time than the time normally takes. But we were glad for our safe arrival to the destination. 

This is something to make a think clear that alternative has importance. 

The other day I met and talked to a student.  

His name is faizur Rahman from somewhere in Jessore District presently lives at Tongi in Gazipur District. 

As I live in the same area I saw him almost everyday going to garment factory along with other garment workers. Normally I thought he is merely a garment worker. 

I could never thought he is a student and studying in computer science in a private university. 

However, he told me that he supposed to complete his graduation four year ago. But he could not do as he failed to get admission into BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering & Science). 

Not only he but few of his friends also failed. But they took admission into some other affiliated universities and now they are doing good job with handsome salary. That was an alternative way and they followed. But he did not do that and thus fell behind. 

The importance of alternative has been depicted again through his word and at the same time it has also been clear that alternative should be followed in time. 

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