মঙ্গলবার, ৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১৬

She was an Employee

Reality of life or real life sometimes seems a bit cruel.
Cruel in the sense that in real life we are compelled to do something we do not like or very hard to do. It creates such a situation under which we should sacrifice, face difficulties or we should be hated by those we love. But real life is real life, it does not carry any other meaning.
Let me mention one of many examples from my own life.
In village we five were very close friends. We studied from class one to ten together in the same primary and high school. During this long span of time of five years we never thought that our bond would ever break and we would go away being separated from each other.
But now I realize that our real life started long back after being passed in SSC exam.
There was no college for higher education in our village and that area. This is why we had to move for different places and wait for 4-5 months to meet or see each other.
That was the most desirable occasion we waited for and the moments we met were full of enjoyment.
But later reality became more harsh.
When we entered into the last part of our student life we became busy with study for a good result and anxious about finding a suitable job.
There were the same occasions but we were not available, we felt and an urge grew to meet each other but we had no enough time to spare.
Buy one thing that we did regularly was keeping communication.
Certainly I will find a number of letters we wrote each other if I search books, notebooks or diaries.
Recently our means of communication is mobile phone. But the real life is something like cruel and because of cruelty of real life our communication now-a-days is not as frequent as those previous days.
It is like we forgot but we remember and feel each other.
Out of feelings I called Mufassir the other day.

I inquired of him, his job, his family etc.
While I was asking so many questions about his personal affairs a lovely face came to my mind.
She is Molina, Maksuma Khatun Molina, beautiful to look and brilliant as student.
Not only that she also was pleasing with all in term of way of speaking and behaving.
Probably for all these qualities two big things happened in her life before becoming an honors graduate.
>She got married
>She managed a lucrative job in government education office.
Her life was heading in a smoother way up to the time of her becoming mother to a daughter.

After that her life became really heavy and hard.
Her husband, a lecturer at a government college, died of heart attack without giving her a little time to take care and doctors to give him treatment.

Still she was going through the hard way of life. But another problem she was facing was really difficult for her to overcome. She was receiving proposal for illicit love and proposal for giving her hand in marriage again.
But ...
I asked my friend to know something more about her.
What he told as information can be summarized as this that she denied all those proposals and resigned her job for sake of her daughter. Then she started a tailoring shop. Till to date she has been doing good. Her shop is well established in a bigger expansion. 
Now she is a proud and successful mother as her only daughter is studying in a medical college.
She is now a job provider to 10-12 needy women who are maintaining their families decent way.
What else a woman can achieve in life? 
It may be many things.
Molina also can achieve more and many things in future. 

But the important thing is she has proved that there are some other ways or means to survive or to achieve the best from life. A woman can do what even a man cannot.

Acquiring Knowledge

No need else if someone is having knowledge.
Knowledge is an inseparable part of human life. Nothing can be done without knowledge. No one can achieve development in his/her respective area without it.
Knowledge may be classified in different classes based on different subjects and matters.
Knowledge of each category helps a particular group of people becoming successful in a particular area.
Take engineering knowledge for an example. How does it help or work?
It helps a student who studies in an engineering college or university to be an engineer.
The same thing is applied to other subject based knowledge.

As character knowledge of this kinds must be obtained by studying the related subjects.
But apart from this there are some common knowledge which can be attained without studying any related subjects but by some common ways. Some other day in long past I met a farmer in my native village and asked whether he has any related training or not.
He replied without any delay informing that he had nothing that can be called training. He only observed his father and elder brothers doing farming related works and gathered experience. Based on that experience he can do all farming related works with easiness and without making any mistakes.
Here we see observing and gathering experience is a way of acquiring knowledge.
Only two days ago a young man from my native place met me and sought some information about a particular place of Mohasthangargh.

I made him glad with details and exact information.
I have a clear idea or knowledge about the place as I traveled there twice or thrice.

Here I like to highlight Travel. Travel is also a source of acquiring knowledge.
Shamim Ahmed, a small businessman, sells mobile accessories and mobile recharge cards from a small shop.
As I stay nearby his shop I see everyday a lot of people throng around his shop most of the time. A good understanding has grown between him and me as result of frequent visit to recharge my mobile balance.
I was astonished having seen his shop closed for consecutive three days.

On fourth day when I met and asked about reason he informed that he went some places to meet friends and relatives. He told that he faced an incursion of loss but his knowledge of interaction with people has increased manifold.
Here we find traveling is also a way of gathering some common knowledge 

শুক্রবার, ৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১৬


Think like many of you I too have an idea about Alternative. 

Alternative is the other way to achieve the same goal. 

To answer to a common question 'Has alternative any importance?' I can mention one from many incidents. 

A few day ago I was on an office tour to attend a program some 25 kilometers away. 

I was traveling by office vehicle along with two foreign guests and our country manager. 

I know well the location and the way of that place as I had been there a number of times. 

Our driver also was well aware of the way. But he took turn and started driving by other way. 

Sometime later he informed that the way people normally take to tread or drive is under construction and this is the alternative way which will take us to our destination. 

The way was zigzag and full of holes and cracks to create a lot of jerks. The journey took more time than the time normally takes. But we were glad for our safe arrival to the destination. 

This is something to make a think clear that alternative has importance. 

The other day I met and talked to a student.  

His name is faizur Rahman from somewhere in Jessore District presently lives at Tongi in Gazipur District. 

As I live in the same area I saw him almost everyday going to garment factory along with other garment workers. Normally I thought he is merely a garment worker. 

I could never thought he is a student and studying in computer science in a private university. 

However, he told me that he supposed to complete his graduation four year ago. But he could not do as he failed to get admission into BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering & Science). 

Not only he but few of his friends also failed. But they took admission into some other affiliated universities and now they are doing good job with handsome salary. That was an alternative way and they followed. But he did not do that and thus fell behind. 

The importance of alternative has been depicted again through his word and at the same time it has also been clear that alternative should be followed in time. 


Situation is something where or with which people live or have to live. 
It is changeable. Situation is created by some wanted or unwanted incidents and most of the times it goes in disfavor of people.
But people, being in such a condition, are bound to accept the situation though it is disfavourable and difficult.
A few months ago dear James Tokon Das uploaded some pictures in his Facebook timeline.
What the pictures were of some flood affected men and women struggling for survival.
They were wading in neck deep water with some light belongings over head which was enough to show clearly their dilapidated situation and that situation was crested by heavy flood.

I believe the situation was too hard for them to accept but they were bound to go through. 
Only a few days ago someone, very closed to me, phoned to share his painful experience of a dire situation he has been going through for past few months.
For decency's sake it would not be fair for me to mention what the situation he is in right now. What only I can say is the situation he is in right now is so indecent, shameful, disgraceful, intolerable and painful that goes beyond many peoples' imagination. But in true judgment of what he did he is not or he cannot be considered responsible for the situation.
The same thing happened to me. But I do not like to elaborate my experience of the situation I am going through presently. Let me tell only this that not only me but my whole family is in great trouble.
Without being limit ourselves within us if we look around we will see a hundreds and thousands of people are becoming victims of such dire situations most of the times due to envy, anger, hatred, conspiracy and etc., etc.
This is really painful and dark side of human life but the other side which is brighter and hopeful as the situation is changeable. Whatever the situation it changes. 
The dire painful situation will disappear and a hopeful better situation will appear.
This is also true and happening every hour in every human life.

বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

Why should you convert into Christianity?

It is a common presumption held by many from other religions than Christianity that a man or woman receives a big amount of money, wealth or properties if converts into Christianity.
But is it true?  Still to many people the question remains unanswered though with the space of time it is almost proved that no, no one receives any amount of money, wealth or properties.  If someone faces problem in accepting what I told that nothing is there to be received by the person converts I will agree with him and tell that yes, there are persecution, hatred, abandonment and many other things of same sort as rewards.

But the fact is in Bangladesh alone a hundreds and thousands of men and women from Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam have already converted and the trend of conversion is going on in full swing all over the country.
The reason behind huge conversion that took place and high trend of it may not be known to most of the people.
To know I talked to a young man converted into Christianity from Islam who spoke few words in an interview.

সোমবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

A small Tea Stall can make a good profit

Alamgir Alom 

Owner of small tea stall at Tongi Bazar,Gazipur. 

Bangladesh is a small country in area and over populated with about 160 million of people.  

Even in this ultra modern age of science and technology most of the people of the country are dependent on agriculture. 

Like all other sectors Bangladesh has achieved tremendous development in education sector. 

At present literacy percentage in the country is more than 80%. Most of the young generations are having an intention of receiving higher education. 

Those who have already completed their studies are in search of suitable jobs. But to get a job is very hard for most of the job seekers as there is very less job opportunities in the country. 

Therefore, most of the youths are disappointed and without finding any alternative many of them are bound to resort to illegal means to earn money.  

Alamgir Alom was one of them. But unlike others he was spirited and convicted to do something in legal way to earn money.  

Accordingly he rented a small space and set up a tea stall and started selling tea. 

In only one and half years time he expanded his tea stall to a considerable extent with addition of some more items of commodities. 

He is now earning enough to build a brighter future. 

According to him anyone can start a small business like and earn money enough to maintain himself/herself along with a small family. But to do so what necessary is to give attention to the fullest satisfaction of customers. 

রবিবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

Curd and Flattened Rice

Any living object of the world needs food for survival.

All the living things are not in the same group. The number groups would go beyond countable level if the objects are divided into groups.

Things of different groups eat foods which are different from other groups.

The world is also full of objects which are eaten as food items by different living things of the world.

Look at the nature which is the habitat of hundreds and thousands of animals. All the animals do not eat the same thing but different one. There are some animals that eat only a single object as food item.

There are a few living things in the world of which human being is one that eat almost all available on earth.

Whatever we eat the main purpose of eating is to attain energy necessary for survival.

As for human beings there are a huge number of food items in the market. But all food items are not good or suitable for our sound health.

Sound health is prerequisite for happy survival.

A concept held by many people that good food means tasty food. But that is not always good for our health.

In fact good food must be tasty and at the time rich with nutrients.

Here is a video clip on Recipe to be watched: